Thursday, December 30, 2010

Free PostSharp licence courtesy of Gael Fraiteur up for grabs

It seems I can't give away free licences for software these days!!

I have a free "legit" licence of PostSharp that Gael Fraiteur of SharpCrafters gave to me to give to a friend. But after offering it around nobody seems to want it, so the first person to leave a comment can have it!

PostSharp is a framework that allows you to implement Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) in your software code. AOP allows a cleaner and simpler architecture by abstracting out your cross-cutting concerns. Cross-cutting concerns are the things that slice vertically across layers in your application such as logging, instrumentation, caching etc.

For some simple tutorials on PostSharp see here:

Also check this out:

The really cool thing is with this tool is it supports Windows Phone 7, which is great as normally mobile platforms are not normally supported for advanced frameworks such as this. If I recall PostSharp did support the .NET Compact Framework but only up to v2.0. Need to confirm this though.

Thanks to Gael Fraiteur for the free licences and keep up the good work!
