Sunday, February 28, 2010

[ Application Tier ] TF255437: An error occured while querying the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) interface on the following computer:

You may have received the following error messsage while processing the Readiness checks during the installation of TFS 2010 CTP recently: [Application Tier] TF255437: An error occured while querying the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) interface on the following computer:. The following error message was received: Invalid Namespace.

So I though I'd check that WMI Service is running, and it was. After searching around it turns out I needed to enable WMI Compatibility for IIS 6 under IIS. You can enable this under Server Manager in Server 2008 and change the IIS role.

I think this 'feature' has been fixed for RTM of TFS 2010.


JB said...

Thanks. Had this exact issue this morning

UniIntel said...

It's not yet been fixed.
And, yes - after enabling WMI Compatibility in IIS 6 this error "disappears".

Anonymous said...

nice, thanks

Anonymous said...

dude, you're the man, thanks..